What to Expect During Your Root Canal Treatment

root canal treatment by Family dental clinic

Dental issues can be daunting, but a clear understanding of what to expect during your root canal procedure is key to alleviating any worries or concerns. 

At the Family Dental Clinic, our priority is to ensure you feel informed and comfortable throughout your endodontic treatment, which is why we’re here to breakdown the process from the moment you sit back in our chair to the moment you leave our practice. 

The Basics of a Root Canal Treatment 

A root canal treatment becomes necessary when the pulp, the innermost part of a tooth containing nerves and blood vessels, becomes infected or damaged. Contrary to common belief, this procedure isn’t actually as terrifying as it sounds. In fact, it’s a crucial step to save an infected tooth and relieve pain. Overall, this procedure typically lasts approximately 40 minutes to an hour and may be split into two appointments. 

Step-By-Step Talk Through

Before diving into the procedure, our experienced dental practitioners will talk you through the entire process in detail. This is also the best moment to ask any questions or express any concerns you may have. 

Local Anaesthesia for Comfort

Do not fret, before the root canal procedure starts, local anaesthesia will be administered to your gum surrounding the tooth of concern, numbing it to keep you comfortable throughout the entire treatment. Our clinical practitioners have years of experience and expertise administering local anaesthesia and do their best to keep pain to a minimum, but you might feel a slight ‘pinch’. 

Removing the Pulp and Cleaning

Once the area is numb, we’ll create a small opening in the tooth to access the infected or damaged pulp. Specialised instruments are then used to carefully remove the pulp and clean the inside of the tooth, using special disinfecting rinses to kill any residual bacteria. This step is crucial for eliminating infection and preventing its recurrence.

Your well-being throughout the treatment is important to us, so if you are feeling any discomfort or you’d just like to take a breather, let us know and we’ll pause what we’re doing to relieve any pain or anxiety. 

Filling and Sealing the Tooth

Once the root system is cleaned, disinfected, and dried, the next step involves filling the space with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha. This strange yet magical material seals the tooth, preventing further infection. In some cases, a temporary filling may be placed until a permanent restoration, like a crown, is ready to be placed.

Post-treatment Care and Recovery

After your root canal treatment, it’s normal to experience some tenderness, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Rest-assured, before you leave our family dental practice, our team will provide you with a comprehensive, detailed post-treatment plan and care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. 

If you have any further questions around your endodontic treatment or require any additional guidance and support, we’re always here and happy to help. 
Call our Chichester dental practice today at 01243 771171 for all your root canal concerns.